In a one day, three venue, forty piece marathon of all that's bold, bizarre, left-field and live, Emergency 2012 hurtles into view on Saturday 13 October and here's a sneak preview of the list of participating artists:
Emergency 2012 artists (subject to change)
70/30 Split | Angel Club (north) | aswespeakproject | Diego Bowie | Burrow + Lee | Clare Charnley | Josh Coates | Stephanie Douet | Evans + Gaskell | Performance Klub Fiskulturnik | Chris Fitzsimmons | Georgie Grace | Kitty Graham | anton hecht | Liam Herne | Yoko Ishiguro | Wayne Steven Jackson | Miyuki Kasahara | Alexandra Kraszkó | Alice Malseed | Massive Owl + Jenny Duffy | Leo Olamerino | Julieann O'Malley | Platt, Birchall + Hussain | Kris Rowland | Clarissa Sacchelli | Sedated By A Brick | Qasim Riza Shaheen | Sh!t Theatre | Robin Sidwell | Lena Simic | Raoul Simpson | Nicola Smith | Moreno Solinas | Streethead | Sturgeon's Law | Allan Taylor | Katie Taylor | Jojo Townsend | Sam Treadaway