emergency accommodation - huge thanks to all: artists, staff + audience... first pics from day, here!

Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who came along to support emergency accommodation on Saturday, on what must have been the hottest day of the year!  

And of course thanks and congratulations to all the artists without whom it would, literally, have been nothing... and all the staff who worked so hard to pull it off!

Huge mentions to: Blank Media Collective - Mark Devereux, John Leyland, Michael Thorpe, Simon Meredith, Gen.

Michael Anthony Barnes Wynters and Doodlebug (for the final)

and (deep breath)... John Franklin, Steve Curtis, Kamini Patel, Crofty, Kat Whitehurst, Clare Blabey, Helen Checkley, Niall Mills, Guy Hilton, Sam Punt, Conor Aylward, Hannah Woods, Jonjo Nally, Gill Knox, Lisa Williamson, Jane Bellamy, Claire, Rebecca Crompton...and big apologies to anyone I’ve forgotten...!!!

Following are the first wave of pictures from the day... we'll add some more and some video as time permits!

Please leave any feedback on the event or individual pieces as comments below or email them to emergency@habarts.org and I'll make sure they get to the appropriate people!

And a cheeky, heads-up... don't forget Zion 100's Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Society this coming Sunday, and Up the Wall in Chester on 21+22 October (not that I'm biased about that one at all!) 


emergency accommodation - today - maps and directions...

For anyone puzzling over our locations: MAP

BLANKSPACE is on Hulme Street, M15 6AW

Far end of Hulme Street, by the roundabout at the top of Princess Parkway, facing the PremierInn. 

White, standalone, low rise building with green paint detailing and horizontal bars at windows.

To reach by car, access via Cambridge Street (from the other roundabout).  There is pay and display parking or off-street car-parking (£5 for the day)


IABF is on corner of Hulme Street and Cambridge Street - M1 5BY

We kick off at 12pm, ending around 9pm - FREE - some limited capacities, first come first served! 

Latest schedule here:


emergency accommodation... one day to go!

So, one day to go and get-ins are well underway!  Someone described BLANKSPACE as a 'maze of performance' yesterday which is quite fitting!

Weather willing (you never know - it might be sunny now but...) we're also planning a little finale, hosted by Doodlebug to which you are all invited to contribute.

For a bit more about the event, you can listen to my very rapid run-down on NoiseGeneration

Just to let you know, that while there is no catering at BLANKSPACE, the (very nice) IABF cafe is open all day.

Hope to see you tomorrow!

emergency accommodation - whose daft idea was this anyway?! Full programme here!

It's getting scarily close now and the attempt to shoehorn 30 pieces into a single day currently seem like one of my more over-ambitious efforts!  Hopefully the magic that is the former greenroom tech team will kick in and my lunacy won't seem so mad after all!

Following the full programme information - though, as ever, all still subject to change!

emergency accommodation - the evening sessions...

At 7pm we change into 'show-mode' with two short double-bills in the sit-down surroundings of the International Anthony Burgess Foundation, topped off (weather-dependent) by a brief final spree of outdoor lunacy. 

Four Cats Theatre - Mappa Mundi

Reinventing the Fool for the 21st Century with a look at history's most brutal and enduring conflict, the Crusades.


Cutteruption - Even The Lone Ranger Had Tonto

The Lone Ranger starts to lament the loneliness of his quest to become a successful solo performance artist, using genuine voicemails, original songs, online profiles and old letters, highlighting the absurdity of the way we interact today.


INTERVAL (the IABF cafe will be open)


Robin Sidwell - Harold Camping Presents

Who is Harold Camping and how did he convince the word that it would end on May 21st 2011 - a tale of monumental miscalculation.


Matt & Nath - Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash.

Matt & Nath must take to the seas, have a drink, sing a song, and pretend to be pirates and save the something-or-other. Through song, dance, and their love/hate relationship, they set out to scour the seven seas in cardboard pirate ship and a barrel of rum.      

Images: Four Cats Theatre, Gareth Cutter x 2, Robin Sidwell, Matt& Nath

emergency accommodation - mid to late afternoon...

Following some quick turnarounds, BLANKSPACE will open a new series of installations and interactions, and IABF will see two more performances between 3.30 and 6.30 pm:


Jessica Lee - Stalking My Neighbour

An 'on the edge' musing on stalking your neighbour - winner of greenroom's 2011 Instant Win.


A 'nauseous' glimpse into the conflicts between culture and decadence, inspired by David Lynch’s Blue Velvet. 


2 girls play a 3-hour game of double-talk on the very edge of a kiss. But there must be no contact. Come again?

Small Acts - Shower Scenes

A private, shower experience and a glimpse into being the the viewed rather than the voyeur.   

Shona Harrison/Nicola Ellis - Against the Grain

Embedded into the building, exposing an obscure ritualistic sense of what lies beneath

Krissi Musiol - Blue

Shedding the trappings of her past works, Krissi creates a survival strategy for turning 30…

Laura Bradshaw  - An Invitation to the Dance 

A coming-together of all the fleeting, danced connections collected through the day...

Nicola Canavan - Red Stitches on a White Crow  

An exploration of feminine constraint and a slowly unfolding image haunted by failure, hurt and restriction.



Katherina Radeva - Near Gone

A dark exploration of the people, places, times and things we have nearly lost - forever!

Pinkorange Project - Homeless in Prescott, Arizona

An intimate sharing, that explores the story of a woman who chose to live on the streets of Arizona.


Images: GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN, Shona Harrison/Nicola Ellis, Small Acts, Krissi Musiol, Laura Bradshaw, Nicola Canavan, Katherina Radeva, Pinkorange Project

emergency accommodation draft schedule now online

Tentatively, here is the draft schedule for next week's emergency accommodation...

Can we stress draft please?! With 30 pieces of work and two buildings, the odds are it will be organised chaos and things may well change still, so please come for a section of the day rather than an individual event!

Many pieces have limited capacity, first come first served.

For a map of the venues go to: EmergencyMap

emergency accommodation from midday to mid-afternoon....

From midday till 3pm every space in BLANKSPACE from alcove to shower, gallery to toilet resonates with small exchanges, moving installations and intriguing conversations, punctuated by naked encounters and full-blown peformances at IABF.

Become an artist's model, have tea with an Inuit, learn to weave, share your scars… and prepare to be serviced by our toilet attendant!

{digame} - The Eye of the Beholder 

 An invitation to the watcher to become the watched, for the audience to become life models in a sculptural one-to-one exchange of gaze.

To participate contact emergency@habarts.org

Julieann O'Malley - Pouring my Heart out

A stunningly poetic metaphoric and literal outpouring of thought and emotion.

Rebekka Platt - Tsee with Migishoo

Share a cup of tea in an imagined Inuit dwelling...

Angst Performance - Healing

Inviting you to share your battlescars and war stories imprinted on one human canvas

Chris Fitzsimmons - At your convenience

Regardless of taste, decency and decorum, Chris Fitzsimmons is a small, hastily put together bell boy -  ready to give you all a good old talking to…

Lucy Hutson - Make do and mend myself

With the WI at her back and armed with a weaving loom, Lucy Hutson has some wool with your name on it…

Sturgeon's Law - Explorers

A tabletop telling of an incandescent sci-fi tale...

Zoë Washington - Margaret And Me

Soft-focussed memories of jam tarts, typewriters and a grandmother's wisdom...

FallenWall Arts - Kill me beautiful

A cinematic love-hate tale of doomed romance.

Anaïs Lalange - g=9.81m/s 

Planetary attraction and magnetic impulse making you fall over and over again...

Façade Theatre - Celladour,

A meditative encounter, blurring the boundaries between waking and dreaming...

Pictures: {digame}, Rebekka Platt, Angst Performance, Chris Fitzsimmons, Lucy Hutson, Zoe Washington, FallenWall Arts, Anaïs Lalange, Façade Theatre