Emergency 2016 call for proposals now closed

Thanks to all who put a proposal in for Emergency - the call has now closed and the process of selection from the 90 proposals received has now started.

If you successfully submitted a proposal then you will have received an automated email confirmation, and a follow-up mail on Mon 22 Aug.  If you haven't received any emails, then your proposal was not received - please contact us immediately at emergency@habarts.org

Emergency 2016 (1 Oct 2016, Manchester) - call for proposals now open

Emergency our annual platform for live art and contemporary performance, is now of a legal age to drive! 

To get a feel for it, have a look at the 2015 programme and gallery. In 2016 the seventeenth Emergency takes place on Saturday 1 October, at Z-arts, Manchester (12-10pm) with the callout for proposals open from Wednesday 13 July to Friday 19 August, 5pm 

With a whole range of spaces to fill - what we now need is a lots of great work! So…  
Artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts are invited to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces. 

Emergency is:  
• a free, public micro-festival + open submission platform; 
• an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer-review work;  

• a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed + supported by hÅb

Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology. 

We also strongly encourage durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces. 

As this seems to be a recurrent question this year... Whilst we don't encourage it, you are permitted to submit more than one proposal but it is unlikely that more than one would be successful from a single artists/group. 

Emergency will offer an honorarium of up to £100 per piece selected, to cover fees/expenses. 

To apply:  
• Download the Emergency Open Call Guidance Notes (below)
• Complete the Online Proposal form;  
• Complete the Online Monitoring form (please, it really helps us!);       

DEADLINE Friday 19 August 2016, 5pm.

Actual links for both forms:  
Enquiries: emergency@habarts.org ¦ http://emergencymcr.org ¦ #EmergencyMcr 

Emergency 2016 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb; supported using public funding by Arts Council England, and by Manchester City Council, STUN + Z-arts.

Emergency 2015 (3 Oct 2015, Manchester) - call for proposals now open

Emergency our annual platform for live art and contemporary performance, is celebrating its sweet sixteenth birthday! To get a feel for it, have a look at the 2014 programme and gallery. In 2015 the sixteenth Emergency takes place on Saturday 3 October, at Z-arts, Manchester (12-10pm) with the callout for proposals open from Monday 13 July to Friday 14 August, 5pm 

With a whole range of spaces to fill - what we now need is a lots of great work! So…  
Artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts are invited to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces. 

Emergency is: 
• a free, public micro-festival + open submission platform; 
• an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer-review work;  

• a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed + supported by hÅb

Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology. 

We also strongly encourage durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces. 

Emergency will offer an honorarium of up to £100 per piece selected, to cover fees/expenses. 

To apply:  
• Download the Emergency Open Call Guidance Notes (below)
• Complete the Online Proposal form;  
• Complete the Online Monitoring form (please, it really helps us!);       

DEADLINE Friday 14 August 2015, 5pm.

Actual links for both forms:  
Enquiries: emergency@habarts.org ¦ http://emergencymcr.org ¦ #EmergencyMcr 

Emergency 2015 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb; supported using public funding through Arts Council England, and by Manchester City Council, STUN + Z-arts; a greenroom legacy project.

Emergency 2014 (4 Oct 2014, Manchester) - call for proposals now open

Emergency, our annual platform for live art and contemporary performance, is celebrating its fifteenth birthday..!  

To get a feel for it, have a look at the 2013 programme and gallery.    

In 2014 the fifteenth Emergency takes place on Saturday 4 October, at Z-arts, Manchester (12-11pm) with the callout for proposals open from Friday 25 July to Monday 25 August, 5pm — details are posted here and at emergencymcr.org   

With a whole range of spaces to fill - what we now need is a lots of great work! So...    

Artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts are invited to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces.

And… since this is our 15th year, we wouldn’t be averse to ideas for a finale!

Emergency is:    

  • a free, public micro-festival and open submission platform;   
  • an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer review work;      
  • a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed & supported by hÅb;    

Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology.    

We also strongly encourage durational, one to one and limited capacity work; performance installation and intervention-based works in and around the spaces.    

Emergency will offer an honorarium of up to £100 per piece selected, to cover fees/expenses.

To apply:    

DEADLINE Monday 25 August 2014, 5pm.        

Actual links for both forms: 



Enquiries: emergencyAThabarts.org

Emergency 2014 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb and supported by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council STUN and Z-arts. A greenroom legacy project.

Emergency form fixed... fingers crossed... new deadline is Thu 15 August midday

Sorry to anyone who was having a problem submitting the form. We think we've traced the problem - some very large attachments which took us over our storage limit... so anyone sending an image, could you keep it down to max 1mb please.

New deadline is Thu 15 August midday

Taking place on Saturday 5 October at BLANKSPACE  and Z-arts, Manchester, we now invite artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work and performance installation and works which inhabit the journey between the spaces.   

Emergency is:    
  • a free public micro-festival;   
  • an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer review work;   
  • a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed & supported by hÅb;        
Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology.    

DEADLINE Thu 15 August 2013, midday.
Emergency cannot pay fees or expenses (though we do feed you quite well!)   

BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission    
In addition we are looking for one durational piece, working within specific criteria, to occupy the Main Exhibition Space, upstairs at BLANKSPACE. We realise that the criteria are specific and there is therefore a budget of £250 available for this work. This is a challenging space – as it is surrounded by alcoves, in which there will be small performances and interactions taking place, with no sound baffling.  

The piece we are looking for must be durational, for a group audience that can come and go and able to co-exist with other pieces – so neither loud (preferably unamplified), nor overly sensitive to external noise spill.   

To apply for the Emergency Open Call, The BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission, or both:

Complete the Online Proposal form (selecting Open, Upstairs commission or both);   
Complete the Online Monitoring form (please, it really helps us!);    
NB please keep image attachments to max 1mb.
Keep an eye on the Emergency blog 

DEADLINE Thu 15 August 2013, midday.

Emergency 2013 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb + Blank Media Collective and supported by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council and Z-arts.  

Technical problem with Emergency form - deadline extended to midday Thu 15th... read on...

If you're having problems with the Emergency form at http://habarts.wufoo.eu/forms/emergency-2013-proposal-form/, then please wait...

After weeks of working fine it appears to have fallen over, so I'm just trying to find out what's going on.  

We'll leave it open til at least midday tomorrow, or later if need be - mail me at emergency@habarts.org and let me know if you're having a problem (what browser you're using would be good too.



If you're stressed about the Emergency 2013 deadline... so am I! It's a bit like those billy no mates hours before a party!

DEADLINE TODAY Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.

Taking place on Saturday 5 October at BLANKSPACE  and Z-arts, Manchester, we now invite artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work and performance installation and works which inhabit the journey between the spaces.   

Emergency is:    
  • a free public micro-festival;   
  • an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer review work;   
  • a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed & supported by hÅb;        
Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology.    

DEADLINE Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.
Emergency cannot pay fees or expenses (though we do feed you quite well!)   

BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission    
In addition we are looking for one durational piece, working within specific criteria, to occupy the Main Exhibition Space, upstairs at BLANKSPACE. We realise that the criteria are specific and there is therefore a budget of £250 available for this work. This is a challenging space – as it is surrounded by alcoves, in which there will be small performances and interactions taking place, with no sound baffling.  

The piece we are looking for must be durational, for a group audience that can come and go and able to co-exist with other pieces – so neither loud (preferably unamplified), nor overly sensitive to external noise spill.   

To apply for the Emergency Open Call, The BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission, or both:

Complete the Online Proposal form (selecting Open, Upstairs commission or both);   
Complete the Online Monitoring form (please, it really helps us!);    
Keep an eye on the Emergency blog 

DEADLINE Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.

Emergency 2013 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb + Blank Media Collective and supported by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council and Z-arts.  

If you've got a question about your Emergency 2013 proposal... please ask it soon!

I'm planning on having a couple of days off before the deluge, so, for a rapid response, get your question in today!

DEADLINE Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.

Taking place on Saturday 5 October at BLANKSPACE  and Z-arts, Manchester, we now invite artists working in live art, contemporary performance, time-based media and interdisciplinary arts to submit proposals of short pieces of work, works in progress or extracts of longer works for inclusion in this event. Proposals are also encouraged for durational, one to one and limited capacity work and performance installation and works which inhabit the journey between the spaces.   

Emergency is:    
  • a free public micro-festival;   
  • an opportunity for artists to meet, show and peer review work;   
  • a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be developed & supported by hÅb;        
Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable. Show-type work should be 20 minutes max in duration, low tech and suitable for quick turnarounds, self-supporting in terms of props/set/equipment and specialised technology.    

DEADLINE Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.
Emergency cannot pay fees or expenses (though we do feed you quite well!)   

BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission    
In addition we are looking for one durational piece, working within specific criteria, to occupy the Main Exhibition Space, upstairs at BLANKSPACE. We realise that the criteria are specific and there is therefore a budget of £250 available for this work. This is a challenging space – as it is surrounded by alcoves, in which there will be small performances and interactions taking place, with no sound baffling.  

The piece we are looking for must be durational, for a group audience that can come and go and able to co-exist with other pieces – so neither loud (preferably unamplified), nor overly sensitive to external noise spill.   

To apply for the Emergency Open Call, The BLANKSPACE Upstairs Commission, or both:

Complete the Online Proposal form (selecting Open, Upstairs commission or both);   
Complete the Online Monitoring form (please, it really helps us!);    
Keep an eye on the Emergency blog 

DEADLINE Wed 14 August 2013, 5pm.

Emergency 2013 is presented by Word of Warning; produced by hÅb + Blank Media Collective and supported by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council and Z-arts.  

Reminder: two weeks to submit your proposals to Emergency 2013 (Sat 5 Oct), Manchester

Emergency is our annual platform for live art and contemporary performance featuring up to 40 short pieces of work in a single day, across a number of Manchester venues.     

To get a feel for it, have a look at the 2012 programme and gallery.    

In 2013 the fourteenth Emergency takes place on Saturday 5 October, at BLANKSPACE (12-4pm) and Z-arts (3-11pm) 

The deadline for proposals on Wednesday 14 August, 5pm — full details at emergencymcr.org